The second Open Call for Regions and Communities is now open!

CLIMAAX invites public bodies to apply for up to 300,000 EUR funding per project, CRA toolbox access, and methodological guidance. This second open call closes on October 15, 2024, at 17:00 CEST

The second Open Call for Regions and Communities is now open!

CLIMAAX invites public bodies to apply for up to 300,000 EUR funding per project, CRA toolbox access, and methodological guidance. This second open call closes on October 15, 2024, at 17:00 CEST

The CLIMAAX consortium launched the second Open Call for Regions and Communities to select regions and communities that will implement the CLIMAAX methodological Framework and the supporting Climate Risk Assessment Toolbox to carry out their regional and local multi-risk assessments.

We are looking for individual applications from public bodies and non-profit legal entities to design and implement a comprehensive climate multi-risk assessment (learn more about the results of the first open call). Selected applicants will receive:

  • Up to 300,000 EUR lump sum funding per project.
  • Access and bespoke support to the CRA Toolbox.
  • Methodological guidance and support through the CLIMAAX helpdesk.
  • Technical advice and counseling to implement the locally tailored methodologies using local data and approaches.
  • Access to the outreach and engagement events organised by CLIMAAX.

This second Open Call closes on October 15, 2024, at 17:00 Brussels Time. The application form and all important information can be found here:

About the CLIMAAX project

CLIMAte Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Framework and ToolboX (CLIMAAX) is a four-year Horizon Europe project that will provide financial and practical support to improve regional climate and emergency risk management plans.

The consortium comprises climate risk assessment and emergency response experts, regional authorities responsible for risk management, regional and national Civil Protection Agencies, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

CLIMAAX will help local and regional authorities and communities gain a deeper understanding of the climate risks they are exposed to, and empower them to take action, assist communities in evaluating their past experience and progress in assessing climate change risks.