Handbook Overview Webinar

Handbook Overview Webinar

The webinar, addressed to selected applicants of the first Open Call, introduces the Digital Handbook explaining the main elements of the climate risk assessment framework and the available workflows. Moreover, it indicates what type of skills are needed for the subconsultants.

The event has been moderated by Dana Stuparu (Deltares), project manager of CLIMAAX. Michaela Bachmann (IIASA) and Anna Pirani (CMCC) gave an overview of the Framework, coming from its concept to the use of climate change data. Christopher Polster (ECMWF) introduced the Toolbox while Erika Meléndez (CRAHI-UPC) shed light on it with a practical example (heavy rain workflow in Catalonia).

The webinar foreruns a series of contents and technical sessions to be held in the following months.


Jul 04 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am
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