Journal Papers
  • Bachmann M., Mechler R., Higuera Roa O. et al. An adaptive and flexible Climate Risk Assessment Framework for regions.
    In EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-16910,
    Keywords: Climate Risk Assessment; Framework; Climate resilience; Adapatation; Poster.
  • Buskop F.E., Sperna Weiland F., Van den Hurk B.. Amplifying exploration of regional climate risks: clustering future projections on regionally relevant impact drivers instead of emission scenarios.
    In Environmental Research: Climate 3, 045030,
    Keywords: Regional climate risk; Climate scenarios; Climate uncertainty.
  • Fonseca Cerda M., De Moel H.., Van Ederen D. et al. Empirical evaluation of windstorm losses and meteorological variables over the Netherlands.
    In Natural Hazards,
    Keywords: Netherlands, wind, windstorm, insurance, risk assessment.
  • Ingels M., Botzen W., Aerts J. et al. The state of the art and future of climate risk insurance modeling.
    In Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1541, 1, ‒ (author’s brief available)
    Keywords: Actuarial models; Catastrophe models; Climate Change; Insurance; Natural disaster risk
  • Matanó A., Berghuijs W., Mazzoleni M., et al. Compound and consecutive drought-flood events at a global scale.
    In Environmental Research Letters, 19, 064048.
    Keywords: drought-flood; consecutive/compound, flood timing; global analysis; observation data.
  • Mazzoleni M., Mondino E., Matanó A. et al. Modelling the role of multiple risk attitudes in implementing adaptation measures to reduce drought and flood losses.
    In Journal of Hydrology, 636, 131305.  ‒ (author’s brief available)
    Keywords: Risk perception; Adaptation strategies; Human–water dynamics; Droughts and floods; System dynamics.
  • Reimann L., Koks E., De Moel H. et al. An Empirical Social Vulnerability Map for Flood Risk Assessment at Global Scale (“GlobE-SoVI”).
    In Earth’s Future, 12, e2023EF003895. ‒ (author’s brief available).
    Keywords: Social vulnerability; Vulnerability modelling; Flood risk; Risk assessment.
  • Vučković M., Wetterhall F.. Bridging the gap between climate data and policy makers: The CLIMAAX project example.
    In EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, EMS2024-1060.
    Keywords: Climate data; Policy; Jupyter; Climate Risk Assessment; Toolbox; Poster.
  • Meijer L.G., Reimann L., Aerts J.. Comparing spatially explicit approaches to assess social vulnerability dynamics to flooding.
    In International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96, 103883. ‒ (author’s brief available).
    Keywords: Social vulnerability; Coastal flooding; Disaster risk; Vulnerability modelling; Flood risk.
  • Shyrokaya A., Pappenberger F., Pechlivanidis I. et al. Advances and gaps in the science and practice of impact-based forecasting of droughts.
    In WIREs Water, e1698.
    Keywords: Drought; Early action; Early warning systems; Impacts.