CLIMAAX meets IPCC in Riga

The two-hour workshop showcased the recent advances and bottlenecks in regional climate risk assessments.

CLIMAAX meets IPCC in Riga

The two-hour workshop showcased the recent advances and bottlenecks in regional climate risk assessments.

Last week, over 140 experts from 65 countries met in Riga, Latvia, to draft the outline of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. The scoping meeting, scheduled from 16 to 19 April 2024, has been the first step in production of the report. On the margins of the event, the CLIMAAX project explored possible links between its research and developments in climate risk assessment and IPCC work in a dedicated workshop on the 17th of September.

Within the IPCC outline draft meeting for the AR7 Special Report on Climate Change and Cities representatives from IPCC, Latvias Environmental, Geological and Meteorological Center (LVGMC) and the CLIMAAX project presented and discussed about latest developments in climate risk science. This was connected to urban adaptation challenges and finally linked to methods and processes for building resilience in climate change. (by Michaela Bachmann, IIASA)