Climate risk assessments for every european region

Making regions resilient

Providing financial, analytical, and practical support to improve regional climate and emergency risk management plans

Open Call

The CLIMAAX consortium is launching the first Open Call for regions and communities to select regions and communities that will implement the CLIMAAX methodological framework and the supporting CRA toolbox to carry out their regional and local multi-risk assessments.

We are looking for individual applications from public bodies and non-profit legal entities to design and implement a comprehensive climate multi-risk assessment.

This first Call opens on 8 December 2023 at 9:00 Brussels Time and closes on 22 March 2024 at 17:00 Brussels Time.

Call for evidence

We are seeking evidence on principles, guidance, standards, frameworks and reports on regional and local risks assessments, developed and applied in Europe and beyond for different purposes. 

We encourage the submission of evidence from diverse sources, such as regional or case studies, policy reports and commissioned assessments that may not be accessible through scientific bibliographic databases.

The evidence can be provided in any language of the European Union!

Open Call

The second Open Call for regions and communities has been launched on the 1st of July and it will run until the 15th of October 2024. Applicants who were not selected in our first Open Call are welcome to participate again.

The project

CLIMAAX is an Horizon Europe funded project whose aim is to develop a customized framework and toolbox for climate risk assessment, assisting communities in evaluating past experiences and empowering them to take action.

Latest project news

A new release of the CLIMAAX handbook 

Within the new version of the Handbook, the Framework for climate risk assessment has been updated for increased clarity and user-friendliness. All workflows in the CLIMAAX Handbook have been improved and have been extended with documentation of methodology and datasets, and illustrative examples.

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